Tool Box

The Tool Box is designed to assist water trail users, government officials, economic development professionals, academics, students, and residents in promoting, developing, and sustaining the Shiawassee River water trail. Local examples are provided to assist with education, advocacy, and trail development.

Each resource is organized into one of the following Best Management Practice categories: Planning, Recreation, Education, Conservation, Community Support, Public Engagement, Maintenance, and Economic Development. The National Park Service has created fact sheets that can be viewed here, BMP Inventory Factsheets.

As part of our application for National Water Trail Designation, a complete inventory of best management practices was completed for the Shiawassee River from Holly to Chesaning. The Coalition is continuously accepting input and will incorporate updates into the Shiawassee River Water Trail Plan.

The National Park Service offers national examples of best practices for the National Water Trails System. Many of these resources were used in creating the plan and application for the Shiawassee River water trail.
