September Meeting Minutes

September 27, 2018

Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Introductions: Round Robin intro’s

Chair’s Update

A resolution was passed in the Michigan House of Representatives, Resolution 383, establishing 9/22-9/29 as “Trails Week”. It is assumed that the Michigan Senate will do the same.

Status of Water Trail Application

Congressman Kildee staff requested a personal meeting with the National Park Service regarding the National water trail application.  Jordan Dickerson, the staffer for Cong. Kildee, will share the results.


SEMCOG Mapping of Water/Bike Trails

“Google Street View” for the water trail is planned to happen in April 2019 when water levels are high. David is coordinating with Derek Bradshaw at GCMPC on funding.


Michigan State Water Trail application

David distributed draft application, was able to take excerpts from the National Water Trail Application. Application will be submitted to the Michigan DNR.


Dan Hummel’s presentation

Dr. Hummel presented findings from summer research project on developing a priority listing of strategic plan objectives for the Coalition. The top recommendations are to (1) keep launches maintained, (2) clear woody debris at least every two years, and (3) expand signage. Full results will be distributed to the group.


Partner Organization updates

Match funding received from Saginaw Bay WIN for Fish Lake Road launch, new gravel placed at launches in Holly and Fenton

Keepers is looking to purchase large rulers to measure river height, similar to what is installed on the Boardman River

Invasive Species inventory completed by intern at North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy from Holly to Byron

Fall Benthic Monitoring – Oct 8 (Byron), 9 (Chesaning), 11 (Holly), 13 (Shiatown)

Vernon Launch is installed!

Woody Debris Removal Training: May 16, 2019, 6:30pm, Gazebo in Bush Park, Fenton

River-wide cleanup, May 18-19, 2019


Next meeting:       Thursday, October 25, 2018; 6:30pm

                                    Argentine Township Hall

                                    9048 Silver Lake Road

                                    Linden, MI 48451
