Thank you for visiting our page on Joining a Committee of the Shiawassee River Water Trail Coalition. As of now, we have six committees and we welcome your participation. Each committee will have a chair who will call the meetings, set the agendas, and make sure the work is fun and meaningful.
Listed below are the names of the committees and a brief description of each one. Please check the box next to the committee you would like to work on. You can always select more than one!
Committee descriptions:
Recreation planning: help us coordinate all of the great events along the Shiawassee River as well as think of new and exciting opportunities that could happen. For instance, a bike and kayak challenge; or a run, bike and kayak competition.
Launch sites: as of now, we have 28 launch sites from Holly, MI to Chesaning, MI. Each one is unique with its own attributes. While that may seem to be enough, you can never have too many launch sites to accommodate a paddler’s desire for long or short trips. This committee would help identify potential new locations, organize volunteer cleanups for each site, etc.
Stream Monitoring: the environmental health of the river itself is of prime importance. The Friends of the Shiawassee River has a strong volunteer driven stream-monitoring program, which we would like to support to cover the entire river system. Helping to organize additional collection sites, volunteers, students, helping us document the health of the river is important.
Advancement: this committee will help in the “friend” and “fund”-raising for the coalition and its member partners. The committee will also seek out grant opportunities that our member partners could pursue to support the goals and objectives of the coalition.
Community Engagement: while we all know of the value of the Shiawassee River and the impact it has in our communities, does the general public really understand? This committee will help spread the word of the coalition through educational programs, parades (summer and holiday), participating in business community expo’s, supporting a “speakers bureau” in which our coalition would provide presentations to local chambers of commerce, service clubs, etc.
Nominations: this committee will help us identify new volunteers to bring into the coalition either as a board member, along with the assistance of the partner organization, or to serve on one of the several committees already established.