Feb. 16, 2017 Meeting Notes
Coalition Meeting #7 located at Argentine Fire Hall
1) The MOU is on a path to adoption with key local entities, probably by mid-March. Sara is updating and redistributing in time for Friends to sign at their Tuesday meeting
2) The sign plan fundamentals achieved a consensus thanks to the thorough work of Sue Julian.
3) The water trail plan narrative work was settled and assigned, another mid-March goal for completion.
4) A survey instrument will be prepared (FOSR volunteered) and distributed through our Coalition members (100+) and through an invitation to the public to participate through four local media outlets and a Facebook opportunity.
5) The mission and vision statements were adopted with a little word-smithing (thank you).
6) A brief but effective discussion was conducted on describing the water trail 5 years from now and the anticipated operations approaches.
7) Chuck Julian will author trail enrichment information--cultural, historical, physical properties, and educational aspects of the Holly to Byron segment (Byron to Chesaning is completed).
8) Two key access points remain with respect to the 10-year commitment--Byron Mill Pond Landing and the Walnut Hills Campground--both are attainable but may not be settled until the middle of April.
9) Members were asked to initiate public speaking engagements between now and mid-April and report that activity and feedback to Sara M. Many ideas were elicited.
10) Two newspaper press releases were agreed upon: a) The inventory results for the trail plan--28 access points over 110 miles, and b) the MOU agreement when finalized.
11) Many Coalition members agreed to attend the March 30th water trail symposium sponsored by the Saginaw Bay Resource Conservation and Development.
12) Headwaters Trails will have a table at the Quiet Waters event at MSU on March 4th with the Trail featured and hopefully with a feedback mechanism from what amounts to be a very large kayaker focus group of state-wide interests.
Action Items
- submit survey questions to [email protected]
- review MOU
- review Vision and draft statement
- follow up on letters of support, we would like all of them in by mid March
- review and edit contact list